Thinking About Facts Must Be “Straight” Thinking
Straight thinking is also all about the facts. What facts? All that can be known. And how do we define a fact? Facts are truths that can be verified in
Continue readingStraight thinking is also all about the facts. What facts? All that can be known. And how do we define a fact? Facts are truths that can be verified in
Continue readingHave you recently experienced the intense pressure of current “groupthink”? It seems so many topics (once considered personal decisions) are now subject to invasive demands that you just go along
Continue readingStraight thinking is all about another “moral” necessity: honesty and truthfulness. Honesty not only includes telling the whole truth accurately, but honesty must be the motivation when seeking to tell
Continue readingMeeting the requirement to tell the whole truth to ensure straight thinking is a tough task for us all. Facts are where we tend to make our most common crooked
Continue readingWhat are you hoping for? Good things or bad things? I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “Hope for the best. Plan for the worst.” most of your adult life.
Continue readingSuppose we want a belief system built on evidence and sound, rational thinking. In that case, we will need straight (analytical, logical) thinking to comprise a convincing faith of our
Continue readingThese articles will now change in nature somewhat. My new book (proposed release date in late April of 2021) is titled Who Am I? We are what we think. So, the book
Continue readingHere’s an age-old remedy for diseases of the mind: Change the way you think and you change who you are. Furthermore, when you change who you are, you change the
Continue readingParents are frustrated and hurting with the challenges of the current dysfunctional culture. It’s dysfunctional because it contradicts itself. Furthermore, it encourages our youth to believe in an angry, self-centered,
Continue readingThe world is changing — FAST! We find it hard to understand why people think the way they do. It is especially hard for parents to understand why their youth
Continue readingWhen it comes to achieving a flow in your life, are you finding it easier or harder to do lately? Whether it’s goals for career, family, or personal development, most
Continue readingWe’ve been talking about the art of encouragement. And because encouragement is a basic necessity of life, instilling it in others is an essential people skill. So, whether you’re a
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