Are We There Yet? And Other Easy Questions with Complicated Answers

Are we there yet?

If you’ve traveled much this summer, you’ve no doubt been asked or you’ve overheard the famous, “Are we there yet?” question. I love taking note of the answers I’ve heard to that one. They can be so entertaining. It’s an easy question to ask, but answering it can get complicated. Answers can range from a simple “No, please stop asking that” to the more philosophical “It depends on what you mean by ‘there’.” How do you typically approach questions? Do you try to give or find the easy answer or do you go for the more complicated one? Here’s a couple of things I’ve noticed about easy questions with complicated answers…


Easy questions with complicated answers usually lead to more questions…

Do you have more questions than answers? That’s a good thing.

Countless research studies and learned people agree that the best way to stay active and healthy in both mind and body is through learning. Furthermore, asking questions is one of the best ways to learn. If you find yourself coming across more questions than answers, chances are:

  • You have picked a really good question.
  • You are challenging yourself to both think and feel your way through discovering the emotionally intelligent answer.
  • You’re learning something new about yourself and others.


Easy-to-ask questions with hard-to-find answers follow you around…

By the time you’ve decided you’ve got your answers to some of life’s most thought-provoking questions, you’ll likely come across circumstances that change what you know. For example:

  • If I discover my purpose, will that be enough for me?
  • What is my identity? Am I trying to be too much?
  • Why is it so hard to feel satisfied with what I have?
  • In other words,Am I ‘there’ yet?

These questions are easy enough to ask, but how do you know if you ever arrive at a complete answer? They seem to travel alongside you and don’t care what you’ve seen or how old you are. Of course, not every question has to be a brain teaser or require a Ph.D. to answer. But some questions are worth letting them stick around for a very long time. Discovering the answers can be fun, rewarding, fulfilling, and motivating — even though they are easy questions with complicated answers.


Start with what you know.

If you are a person who doesn’t shy away from hard-to-answer questions, you’ve likely discovered the first step: Start with what you know.

Easy questions with complicated answers can be the key to a life of fulfillment.  And if the questions have anything to do with your sense of purpose, fulfillment, satisfaction or identity, consider starting here:

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