Emotion’s “Ultrasonic” Speed

We noted previously that the emotions are the speedsters of the mind. Let’s understand more of what that means. They act with such speed that they make the analytical brain’s movements look like tired snails in comparison. Emotional reactions are measured in thousandths of a second and develop so fast that it can be impossible for us to be initially conscious of why we feel the way we do or detect the point at which the emotions begin. They flare.  And only after they have surged do they report their actions in feelings that we can detect. We are grateful or disturbed in retrospect only. This fact can revolutionize the way we think of emotions. How can we take responsibility for a surge we initially have no conscious control over because of emotion’s ultrasonic speed?

Is Emotion’s Ultrasonic Speed a Bane or a Blessing?

Emotions often don’t even stop to consider what we should do. There is no thorough examination of options or thoughtful weighing of consequences when the emotions react to an unexpected event. The focus is narrowed to one concern only.  And whatever is the greatest need is acted upon immediately. We can be eternally thankful for their speed if a tiger appears yards away, headed in our direction with teeth bared. Our emotions have programmed us at a speed faster than thought and conscious reflection.  And they have focused all our faculties on only one concern — our safety.

What Really Happens In That Millisecond?

When we “see” the tiger, a message, encoded in electrical currents, travels at ultrasonic speed to the back of our brain and is then routed to the cortex where the higher functions of thought and perception take place. In the cortex, the message is “decoded.” And for the first time we know that it is a tiger we see. Our emotions have already reacted and programmed our system for action. It has redirected blood to needed areas, such as our muscles.  It has ordered adrenaline into the blood stream and activated the heart to beat faster. This and more occurs — all before we fully understand what is going on.

What Are the Implications of Emotion’s Ultrasonic Speed?

Let’s consider the implications of this knowledge carefully. Are we responsible in this case for the initial emotion of fear that we feel? No!  We can’t be if we have been unaware of its initiation. So we should think of it as an automatic response, a first impression of how our faculties perceived the event before action on our part could take place. We are thankful for such a quick response, of course.  But we cannot be praised (or blamed) for it.

No Praise and NO BLAME!

We should not blame ourselves or others for emotional responses that outpace our capacity to make decisions about them. We often hear people judge others for a sudden burst of anger or a fearful collapse as though they could have suppressed the emotion. Is that fair when the person has yet to evaluate and react to the situation by making the choice of a right behavior? It may be alright to be angry or afraid. But we must evaluate our anger and then do the right thing, responding according to our best rational and emotional judgments.

Blame Is Harmful

How often has the emotionally sensitive person been harangued with accusations like:

  • “Why can’t you control yourself?”
  • “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you think before you react?”
  • “Keep your cool, man!”
  • “For goodness sake, can’t you think?”

The intensity with which a hurt is registered is hard enough to handle in all those who have deep feelings. But to understand that the emotions surged within them before they knew what was happening should give a new perspective and a sense of relief.

What Is the Right Reaction to Emotion’s Ultrasonic Speed?

Many clients have expressed extreme disgust at the way they react emotionally because they haven’t developed the control others expect of them. They feel guilty, and it is difficult to explain to them that they are not guilty — even after I point out that they did not have control over this first surge of emotion. The stigma of a non-understanding public can do great harm and distort life considerably. Let’s walk through the right reaction we should have to a sudden automatic surge of emotion.

The Right Reaction:

  • First: We should not feel guilty for an automatic reaction over which we have no control. Others should not hold us accountable for this first phase of emotional response, either.
  • Second: The emotionally sensitive and reactive person should enjoy the sense of relief it brings to know we are not to blame.
  • Third: The effort to control such alarms is futile if we have no control over them. We are trying to be something we are incapable of being. It is simply that our emotions are wired that way. We have the capability of evaluating our emotions and deciding whether to change them or confirm their automatic selection. Thinking about them to consider which reaction will accomplish our goal is the best procedure.
  • Fourth, we should, however, take seriously the fact that we must, and can, take a window of opportunity to respond rightly to the situation. And we can do this after 1) the cortex has decoded the message, 2) we have processed the situation, and 3) we have understood how it is we should react. We may then have to reverse our reaction, since careful thought may have told us our emotional reaction was ill-timed or wrong.  It may require that we now act in a way that is in the best interest of others (and in our own interests).  Speedy emotions sometimes choose the right reaction. But when they do not, our deliberate slower thinking processes must refine their decisions.

Patience Is Profitable

Patience with ourselves and others is what we can work on profitably. The instant reactions of our emotions serve a necessary purpose.  But our ability to choose, think, and make rational judgments is where the responsibility kicks in.


Intelligently Emotional Book CoverMy hope is that this book will lead you, as its content has led many others, to be intelligently emotional. If it helps you to develop the intelligent use of your emotions and a rewarding lifestyle, my labor will not have been in vain.  You can access it HERE.  If you are subscribed to our weekly updates, our next issue will provide a link to purchase it with a 15% discount and free shipping.





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