Here’s a “Hard Thing Worth Doing” (#HTWD): Giving thanks for people or circumstances for which you feel anything but thankful. Are circumstances tempting you to feel bitter or hopeless, rather than grateful? It’s still your choice. Are difficult people creating anxiety and stress you want to run from? Be sure you run in the right direction. Thanksgiving can be more than just an annual holiday. Make it your strategy for problem-solving and success.
Giving thanks is a strategic response that leads to solutions.
Giving thanks when you don’t feel thankful IS very much worth doing. We live in a culture that encourages us to act on the basis of how we feel. However, both recent research and ancient wisdom demonstrate that when we focus on our blessings, it’s easier to keep problems and concerns in the right perspective.
Feelings change. They can be upgraded. Giving thanks is action. Giving thanks is a strategic response that creates positive feelings, thinking and momentum. Even people problems and negative circumstances can move us toward positive change if we start with thanksgiving for the opportunities they present.
Giving thanks is a strategic response to problems. It leads to solutions.
How do you give thanks when you don’t feel thankful?
Recently, we’ve discussed rule challengers, edge dwellers and game changers. People in this group set a great example for how thanksgiving can be a strategy.
What was their response to difficult people and overwhelmingly negative circumstances? They sought understanding of all the facts, including the ones they did not want to know (e.g., the other side’s perspective). That’s smart, because it leads to appreciation for both sides of the “argument.”
How much time did they spend lamenting their situation versus acting on an inner strength to answer the challenge before them? I’m guessing not much time at all. The faster you go positive, the faster your thinking, feeling and actions line up with real solutions.
If you want to adopt GIVING THANKS as a strategic response like those who have succeeded in doing hard, but important things, TAKE THESE 4 STEPS:
Giving thanks (out of your mouth) for the circumstances, person or obstacle you don’t feel truly thankful for. This focuses you on what IS, rather than what IS NOT. - FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE
A focus on what IS includes acknowledging the inner strengths you possess as part of your God-given design.
Using your inner strengths properly, you can find a way to understand. You can understand what’s driving the motives of difficult people or the factors involved in creating negative circumstances.[Grab a copy of INNERKINETICS – Your Blueprint to Excellence and Happiness to understand your inner strengths fully.] - APPRECIATION
Understanding leads to appreciation of both sides of any situation – even the side you disagree with. Remember, you don’t have to agree with another party to find a successful solution.