Olympic Podium Takeaway #3: Align Yourself with Great Results

Align Yourself with Great Results

The Olympics have always provided an excellent expression of digging deep, overcoming adversity and reaping hard-earned rewards. But what happens when your personal best might not be enough to win? Is “winning” the best outcome? And what about negative events completely out of your control? Our final Olympic Podium Takeaway highlights another everyday decision. Despite the circumstances, ALIGN YOURSELF WITH GREAT RESULTS.


Align Yourself with Great Results

So far, our takeaways from the Olympics have been about how we use time to accomplish our biggest goals. Your “Money Combo” of inner resources and your choice to make every moment matter adds up to either the great results you wanted or important decisions about what you do next:

You won. Winning is a great result. You worked hard every day. You made every moment count toward meeting your goal. Will you put it all on the line again?  Will the bar be set higher, or on a totally new goal?

You lost. Not a great result. You did the work. You stayed in your strengths. Your best still wasn’t enough. What will you do next? Re-align yourself with the results you wanted and try again?


You lost and then you won!

HUH?  What I mean is . . . despite your personal best efforts, they weren’t enough to come out on top during your first attempt. Will this be the moment you work some of your finest magic?  Will you see the disappointment and mounting pressure as the motivation to re-connect with all the greatness inside of you?

Need some inspiration?

You don’t need to have an Olympic medal on the line to align yourself with the results you want.  Check out how this athlete decided to align herself with the results she wanted.


Align Yourself, then Stay Aligned

Your goal may not be to stand on a winners’ podium with the eyes of the world sharing in your accomplishment. But the decisions you must make are no different than those of world-class athletes.

In any case, it’s up to you to align yourself . . . or RE-align yourself with the great results you know are possible.

It’s your choice. And here are some key steps for help with that choice:

  1. Start here and discover your MONEY COMBO. 
  2. Get a copy of INNERKINETICS by best-selling author Dr. Ray Lincoln to see how the Real You makes every moment matter.
  3. Do everything within your control (and let go of the stuff that’s not) to position yourself to win!  Your goal is worth it!

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