Have you ever let discomfort keep you from making needed change? When was the last time you felt totally ready to change some major aspect of your life? If your answers were YES and NEVER, welcome to the largest club in the universe – humanity. Important change can range from uncomfortable to downright painful. But I’m sure you can agree with me that change is a necessary and normal need throughout our lives. Whether it’s personal, professional, or relationship-driven, change for the better requires a shift in priorities. Often, it includes some temporary discomfort as well. If you need meaningful change, it’s time to get uncomfortable.
Your temporary discomfort is worth it!
In a previous post, we focused on the change you believe is needed in your relationships. That’s no small undertaking. But when you go first and do what you know you need to do, good change is the outcome. However, it can also be a bit painful for a while. It can feel uncomfortable and make you want to avoid taking the actions needed. Don’t quit, push through!
If you feel like backing away from the actions you know you need to take, remember this:
It’s not all about you. You matter. And if the change was just for you, it would be well worth it. But who else is going to benefit from the change you’re initiating and fighting for?
- If the change you seek is going to strengthen your marriage or your parenting, your kids are also going to be strengthened in their sense of security. They’ll see a relationship modeled to them that is worth emulating. They’ll set higher standards for themselves in choosing their own spouse and in many other choices as well. And if you ask them to, they’ll have the freedom to take the very best of what you taught them into their own families and leave well behind the stuff you didn’t teach.
- If the changes you’re making are within your workplace, how many others might follow your lead? Could you be a kinder, more secure, or more effective leader? The very best teams and leaders create change from the inside out. And they start with a personal inventory of what they can strengthen within themselves.
So, what if everyone around you doesn’t appreciate the changes you are trying to make?! Watching you set higher standards for your own personal conduct will challenge them to do the same. And just like you, they are free to choose to change or keep the status quo. Perhaps your act of proving that the potential discomfort is worth it is what they need to see before they can step out and fight for their own changes.
What are you willing to trade?
The changes you are trying to make will always require courage and a better understanding of the people involved. Usually, the first person you need to better understand is yourself. Do you know the Real You really well? Are you familiar with your God-given strengths? More importantly, are you willing to trade old habits of misusing some of those strengths so that you can eliminate the damaging weaknesses that hold you back? That’s the kind of change that can feel pretty “uncomfy,” depending on how long you’ve operated from those self-made weaknesses. But that’s also the exact kind of change worth making. It can hurt so good! I urge you to make those changes every chance you get because each one moves you further along a path uniquely designed for your sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Count the cost of avoiding discomfort.
Whether it’s avoiding difficult conversations, challenging yourself to learn complex skills, or accepting new challenges, our society seems to be avoiding discomfort at nearly every turn. But at what cost to you or others? “Uncomfy” has become a favorite term my teenagers use to describe awkward situations. Even our clothes have to be comfy at all times. Fancy sweatpants have made a huge comeback in lieu of business casual. Although I personally applaud this development and love to be comfortable, who doesn’t need the discipline of suiting up and presenting yourself as a professional every once in a while? And what about physical injuries? Should we avoid rehabilitating them because we’ve gotten used to the disfunction? Or should we lean into the pain and bring back full function again?
Pain or discomfort can serve an important purpose. If it happens to come along with the personal changes you’re fighting for, don’t let it stop you! It’s temporary and you can beat it! Plus, you’ve got friends within the team at InnerKinetics ready to help.
Step 1: Take the InnerKinetics® Assessment to determine your unique inner design and discover your unique strengths.
Step 2: Grab a copy of this book that shows you how to live in your strengths and eliminate weaknesses. InnerKinetics – Your Blueprint to Excellence and Happiness
Step 3: Consider personal coaching if you need more support. If your particular circumstances are just too complicated to sort through on your own, request a consultation and an InnerKinetics consultant will call you to answer questions and schedule your meeting.