What will you do to learn something new?

Genius Girl in red glasses

Sweet mercy! It’s time to go back to school already. Whether you have kids returning to the halls of academia or you’re living life alongside friends and family that are working to get them ready, it can be a stressful time! It can also be an exciting time. Regardless of how you look at it, consider this: the option to return to learning is a precious freedom. Many intelligent, gifted, inspiring people in the world do not have this freedom. And it’s a freedom you can continue to exercise long after you’ve graduated from school. Will you take it for granted or take advantage of it? What will you do to learn something new?


Finding New Things to Learn Is Easy

It’s not hard in our connected world to get overwhelmed with all the options for learning. There’s formal online continuing education through universities. There are “Master Classes” now for any topic you can imagine.  And if no master class exists, you can find someone with a blog, Pin or post giving you the step-by-step.  I don’t know about you, but I have lots of books that I loved the idea of reading but haven’t read yet. There are all kinds of folders in my email full of things I want to know about.  Those folders haven’t been opened for months in some cases. Honestly, I’m not sure many of them ever will be opened.

It’s the idea of learning that attracts us.  But do we have the motivation to actually prioritize it and follow through?  That’s an entirely different question and requires each of us to decide just how important it is.

  • What’s the real benefit to me?
  • How can it change things in my life that I think need changing?
  • Is this even something I really want, or does someone else want it for me?


Finding the Motivation to Learn New Things Can Be Harder

Can you remember how it felt returning to school for a new year? You hadn’t seen many of your friends all summer.  New classrooms with fresh new supplies had new teachers waiting anxiously for you. You were likely wearing new clothes you loved. Maybe you even actually liked the haircut your parents made you get just days before. For many of us, it came with a little bit of a thrill.  Even if that thrill was gone the moment you received your first homework assignment, it was there to serve an important purpose.  It had a positive energy to it.  Perhaps it felt full of promise and possibility. It may have even contained a little pressure to become someone “new.”

That’s called motivation.

We all need the right motivations if we are to succeed in learning anything.  After all, what’s the point of learning something if it’s not going to create some positive change along the way?  Right?

So if you want to keep your mind growing and your daily decisions moving you along a road you actually want to be on, find new things to learn.  Therefore, make them topics that inspire you to become more of the person you want to be every day.


Want to learn something new about the Real You?

The Real You is a great place to start. It’s something you can do every day. You don’t even have to go do any back-to-school shopping!

Here are a few links to get you started:

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