A business needs a product or service, research and development (perhaps), and management. Then the product or service must be sold and serviced. Sales and service can spell success or disappointing failure. Because it is so critical to the company’s success, giving sales and service personnel an “advanced edge” can multiply the business’s success many times over. The best methods are a must for most businesses. Products must move and companies need to provide services effectively and at an ever-increasing rate.
Sales and service needs THIS “Advanced Edge”
The effective edge that a company needs is the understanding of people. That understanding comes from the proven science of temperament (known to us over two-and-one-half millennia). InnerKinetics is the application of this proven science to personal relationships in all forms. The first form is the relationship we have with ourselves. The sales or service person can find what they need to know about themselves in the eyes of others in my book INNERKINETICS. The sections of the book that focus on each temperament are a must-read for the salesperson who wants the edge that such knowledge gives.
For the sales or service agent, the concern is to:
- Understand who the person is that they are talking to
- Know how the customer or client sees the agent
- Identify what it is about the customer’s or client’s inner urges and drives that shape their lives and that can help us to choose our words and mold our message to motivate them for a successful close.
Those one-size-fits-all phrases that are taught to all sales and service personnel do not fit all. Knowing your client or customer better is the InnerKinetics edge for success.
Start with this simple tool, then expand
Sales and service agents should start with a quick tool for identifying the temperaments of others. Those who want to achieve outstanding success will study to acquire a real working knowledge and understanding of temperament. And they will apply it in each interaction.