The Task of a Teacher Who Is the Parent

The Task of a Teacher

Become your children’s teacher.  (It can be fun, too). Don’t let the task of a teacher frighten you.  Parenting is teaching.  So enjoy the extension teaching brings to your interactions with your children.

The Task of a Teacher: Where is your classroom? 

If you are an outdoors person, that’s where nearly all of your classroom teaching can take place enjoyably.  If not, choose the inside environments you and the kids love.  A fundamental task for a teacher is to find or create an environment that is conducive to learning.  What better than the locations your children enjoy?

The Task of a Teacher: What do you teach?

Deciding what to teach is a very important task of a teacher.  What you teach needs to be applicable and useful both now and in the future. And it should be preparatory for sound, independent functioning.  Consider the following:

  • How to think straight and how to become people who know how to think with the best.  Do you need a degree?  No, you can increase your understanding of the world and life by reading and learning from a multitude of sources. Many are readily available and cost little or, most of the time, nothing.
  • At the same time, you will need to cover what is a standard parenting task: namely, how to make good decisions.
  • Imagine opening your child’s mind to the wonders of our world and the most reasonable way to think of how it all came to be.
  • Not just our world, but life is a fertile subject.  How to live happily and peacefully with others and build rewarding relationships are much-needed skills always — and especially in today’s world.

In the process of teaching these fundamentals, you will be challenged about your own beliefs and values. And you will need to find solid support for what you believe — a great benefit we all need to acquire.   You will become your child’s most influential teacher, learning to give sound and convincing reasons for what you believe.

We want our children to be taught what makes sense and is supported by solid evidence.  It is of no benefit for them to learn only what is imagined based on assumptions or on a hypothesis.  Remember: theories, however valuable they may seem, are not facts.  Theories can be wrong — and often are.  They are just tools people use on the way to finding the truth or discovering their theory is wrong.

The Task of a Teacher: How do you teach?

Individuals learn best in different ways.  The task of a teacher is also to teach in a way that feeds each student in the way they will best learn the concepts.

    • Teach with examples from everyday life. Point out the design in nature and the logical and rational reasons for things to happen the way they do — all according to the age of your child, of course.  Get the child to think about how it all happened from what they can see and appreciate with their senses. This should thrill you.  And it should begin their formation of beliefs and values, as well.
    • Model your excitement about our wonderful world and your beliefs.  Your child will mirror your enthusiasm.
    • Use all the helpful sources outside the home that you approve of to further their understanding and appreciation of the heavens and the earth and all they tell us.
    • Teach with games, competitions, books, technology, trips, and outings.
    • Chat with your child about how to think straight and avoid crooked thinking.  Encourage chats about what they learn at school, in the news, and what they see during screen time.
    • Include explanations about our world and what is driving the forces that shape our culture and make for the best way (or the worst way) to live our lives.  These are the educational times when they begin to think with you about all these things.
    • Talk together about relationships — how they are successfully made and what it takes to keep them fresh and exciting.

Plan your opportunities!

Plan your opportunities and what you might teach, opening up your children’s minds to the meaning of mounting scientific evidence and the big questions we all face.

Repetition with an intensity of emotions and/or reason, patience, and even treats are among the tools of your trade.

(Future articles will provide help in educating yourself about the big debate that is staging a comeback in Science and Religion.  Parents are likely to be aware of how atheistic and anti-religious thinking has taken over the minds of educational institutions, as well as most philosophic and scientifically oriented minds.  We, as well as our children, need straight thinking about the issues currently under debate that will shape ours and their lives.  These articles could open your mind and that of your children to legitimate ways of thinking about our world and help them begin to form a more meaningful “worldview.”)


Who Am I?In my new book Who Am I?, I describe how we have become “crooked thinkers” and how to break out of this prison of the mind to become instruments of change for a better world by recognizing the source of our value as humans.  You can get your copy HERE.  (Psst!  Subscribers to my weekly updates can receive a 15% discount and free shipping from the above link!)


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Lean into the whole truth by discovering the truth of who YOU are — the “Real You” — and who your children truly are.  Discover how to best engage your children in finding the whole truth.  Our team at InnerKinetics is ready to provide that help.  If you’d like some assistance, you can request a consultation and an InnerKinetics consultant will call you to answer questions and schedule your meeting. Schedule an Initial Consultation. If you are more independent and want to cut to the chase, you need not wait for a call back because you can get answers to your questions and schedule your session HERE.

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