Whether you are seated behind a CEO’s desk, at the front of a classroom, or behind the wheel in the school pickup line, a constant stream of important decisions is coming your way. Do you have what you need to make a good choice? As long as you are in possession of the facts and the surrounding emotional climate, don’t you have all the ingredients needed? Maybe . . . If the Real You prefers to take the time to process your feelings. But what if the decision is not yours to make? What if you completely disagree with the decision and fear that common sense has not prevailed? Understanding what Thinkers feel about good decisions can serve you well from any seat at any table.
What’s a “Thinker”?
In a previous post, we identified the path to our best life. We considered the personal costs of misunderstanding essential information about ourselves and others. And we also looked at some life-zapping disconnects between our choices and our real preferences.
Here’s another piece of essential information: The way you make your decisions.
Unless you live in a bubble, the difference between “Thinkers” and “Feelers” is critical to understand.
A “Thinker” is merely a term I’m using to describe a person whose inner design drives them to make decisions weighted more on the facts and less on the associated emotions that come along with the facts. It’s not that “Thinkers” don’t feel and “Feelers” don’t think. Of course, we all do both. It’s simply an important difference in the way you lean when making your decisions. Both decision-makers can be logical and reasonable.
Are you a “THINKER”?
Thinkers line up the facts as they perceive them to be and say to themselves, “This is what the facts are telling me to do, so that’s what I’ll do.” By contrast, Feelers also line up the facts, but then say, “I need to consult my feelings about these facts before I make my decision.” Their feelings about the facts may sway them in a different direction.
Regret is a friend to no one.
Whether you are designed predominantly as a “thinker” or a “feeler,” it’s important to appreciate how profound of an effect this part of your inner design has on your daily life. I’m sure you’d agree that no one wants to add the stress of regretted choices onto an existing pile of stressors they experience each day. But regret is eminent when anyone is forced to go “off design” while making a decision. So, let’s understand the role emotions play in the process.
Understanding Thinkers . . .
Thinkers don’t want to let emotions color their filter for making decisions. Even though emotions cannot be eliminated entirely, it’s a Thinker’s preference to do so as much as possible.
Understanding Feelers . . .
Feelers know that without emotion, life has no meaning. So, seeing the facts through their meanings is a necessary addition to achieve the goal of a good decision.
Emotions slow things down. Can you be okay with that?
Suffice to say, consulting emotions can result in a slower time to arrive at decisions. If you are a Thinker, it could feel as though a Feeler is taking forever to decide.
What will you do while you are waiting for them?
Will you pass along the tension created from waiting longer than you would prefer?
Or will you choose to understand the differences and, maybe, even appreciate the value of a different perspective?
It’s your choice, of course.
Are you eliminating the personal costs of misunderstanding from your life?
I hope you are thinking a little more about how you generally make your decisions. Stay ON design, and you avoid the costs of regretting your choices. Go OFF design, or force someone else to do so, and the outcome is not going to produce the best decision.
If you want to learn more about understanding thinkers and how their best decisions get made, check out the resources below. And stay tuned as we continue to tackle the misunderstandings that can keep you from your best life and your greatest potential.