What drives you to pursue upgrades in everyday life?

What drives you to pursue an upgrade?

I’ve been thinking about just how impressive it is when we humans are able to take what we’ve been given (even if it’s not that good) and advance it to a whole new level. What actually motivates us to take a good or a bad thing and make it better? And how do we manage to accomplish this upgrade, even when we don’t have an example to follow?  As you might suspect, your inner design reveals answers to these questions. Let’s talk about what motivates you to pursue upgrades in your everyday life.


Our design is an image of greatness. Greatness will pursue upgrades!

Think about it. If you understand that the Creator of the universe had specific, unique goals in mind when you were created, then you must also understand that your whole being is designed to achieve that wonderful goal. We’ve all been designed with a desire to be great – with a desire for continuous improvement. It’s observable in anyone who is operating from a healthy, positive mindset. The inner drives we each use to pursue that greatness are placed within us from our beginning. When we choose to operate them, we’re capable of any upgrade we set our minds to.


We’re designed to build up, not tear down. Building requires that we pursue upgrades.

Positive change can create excitement and energy for even the most seasoned “experts” on a subject. But change for change’s sake isn’t really a motivation. In fact, some people resist change unless the realistic need for it becomes evident. But If it’s not to build up and strengthen an aspect of your life, should it be a priority? For example, here’s an upgrade worth pursuing: Build up your marriage from an unfulfilling relationship (plagued with misunderstanding and disconnection) to a fulfilling one. Inspiring others to model after you is an upgrade worth pursuing. Building up your child’s healthy self-image, rather than tearing it down due to misunderstanding, is another upgrade worth pursuing.


Our strengths have a built-in demand to become stronger.

We operate with an intelligent design, hard-wired to build toward greatness. Not only that, but unique, powerful inner strengths are gifts each of us possesses. When used properly, these strengths build up, improve, advance, and refine us. They actually demand we pursue upgrades. Design-driven strengths are so important to understand and use correctly, that our whole system rises or falls based on their development!

Consider the enormous negative impact on each of the four people below when a key strength in their design is underdeveloped or misunderstood:


  • If a young SP’s authorities don’t believe this strength is a positive thing, neither will the SP.
  • If an SP doesn’t believe this strength is a major asset, they’ll become cynical, rather than optimistic.
  • If OPTIMISM goes, the whole design crumbles, self-image suffers, and behavior reflects the negative belief that enjoying the moment is bad.


  • If a young SJ’s authorities don’t believe their help is valuable, they’ll stop helping because they aren’t getting any feedback that it’s good and valuable.
  • If an SJ doesn’t believe that their help is valuable, they don’t feel useful or develop their desire to be responsible or reliable.
  • If doing their duty and feeling useful and responsible goes, the whole design crumbles, self-image suffers, and behavior reflects the negative belief that they are useless.


  • If a young NT’s authorities don’t believe their determination to set and meet goals is essential, they will not develop this strength properly.
  • If an NT doesn’t develop this strength, they can either run roughshod over every person in their lives, ignoring all others in their pursuits, or become unmotivated to set goals at all.
  • The wrong use of their determination to set and meet goals results in a sense of failure.
  • Failure for an NT disorients them and they can quickly descend into low self-image unless they re-set with better goals and get the encouragement and support they need to reach them.


  • If a young NF’s authorities don’t believe their imagination and their desire for the ideal is essential, they’ll attempt to use it less or not at all (because they want to be pleasing, not irritating).
  • If an NF doesn’t use their imagination and idealism, they can’t dream, set big goals, and aim ”unrealistically” high.
  • Without very high goals, an NF can lose sight of their hope for a better future. Instead, they begin to aim low, reflecting a low self-image.
  • Low self-image in an NF is particularly acute and most often results in serious forms of depression.


Pursue upgrades whenever possible.

So, you see?  Nearly every major part of your inner design is built to pursue upgrades in your life.  Whether it’s your own personal or professional development, marriage, parenting, or spiritual growth.  You’re built to build.

If you want to learn more, start here with 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Take the InnerKinetics® Assessment to determine your unique inner design and discover your unique strengths.

Step 2:  Grab a copy of this book that shows you how to live in your strengths and eliminate weaknesses. InnerKinetics – Your Blueprint to Excellence and Happiness

Step 3:  Consider personal coaching if you need more support. Sometimes, particular circumstances are just too complicated to sort through on your own.  Request a consultation and an InnerKinetics consultant will call you to answer questions and schedule your meeting.

Schedule an Initial Consultation.

If you are more independent and want to cut to the chase, you need not wait for a call back because you can get answers to your questions and schedule your session HERE.


In my new book Who Am I?, I describe how we have become “crooked thinkers.” I describe how to break out of this “mind prison” to become instruments of change for a better world.  It begins by recognizing the source of our value as humans.  You can get your copy HERE.  (Psst!  Subscribers to my weekly updates can receive a 15% discount and free shipping from the above link!)


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Lean into the whole truth.  Discover the truth of who YOU are — the “Real You” — and who your children truly are.  Discover how to best engage your children in finding the whole truth.  Our team at InnerKinetics is ready to provide that help.

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